Rusydi Makarim is a Cryptographer. His research work focuses on the design and the cryptanalysis of symmetric-key primitives. Previously he worked as a Lead Cryptography Analyst at the Cryptography Research Centre, Technology Innotation Institute (TII). Prior to TII, he was a PhD student at the Mathematical Institute, University Leiden and CWI Cryptology Group, working on the development of Grobner bases algorithm tailored for the cryptanalysis of multivariate public-key cryptosystem. His main research interests are techniques to solve multivariate quadratic polynomial equations over a finite field and cryptographic aspect of (vectorial) Boolean functions. Rusydi is a contributor to SageMath, a free open-source mathematics software system built on top of many existing open-source packages. He is mainly involved in the development of module to analyse cryptographic properties of Boolean functions and S-Boxes.
PhD in Mathematics (Cryptanalysis), (2014 - Current)
Mathematical Institute, University Leiden
Master of Science (Cryptography), (2012 - 2014)
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Bachelor in Computer Science, (2007 - 2011)
University Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia
SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. I have been actively developing the Boolean functions and S-Box module by implementing various algorithms to evaluate their cryptographic properties. The current state of the implementation covers fundamental evaluation criteria related to nonlinearity, differential properties, algebraic aspects, branch numbers, bentness, etc.
M4GB is an efficient Groebner basis algorithm designed specifically to maintain tail-reduced polynomials. This C++11 implementation is optimized for dense overdefined system of polynomial equations that represent multivariate public key and digital signature schemes. M4GB and its implementation successfully broke several concrete parameters for multivariate signature algorithm, a potential candidate for post-quantum digital signature scheme. The result is available at